Friday, October 8, 2010

Infant Jesus Church !

I often go the Infant Jesus Church in Vivek Nagar, Bangalore  .

2 reasons .

*        I like the environment – Calm, serene and peaceful . Well regulated traffic inside & widely spaced benches to sit on . Very unlike the noisy and somewhat crowded and chaotic popular south Indian temples .

*        I like the convenience – I can enter the church and walk right up to the Altar without removing my shoes and socks ! Unlike the temples where I would have to remove my S & S , wash my hands and feet,  cautiously walk over  hard stone &  prickly surface and negotiate the various water / oil  spills and the mashed prasad ( prasadam ) patches on the floor !!

I  buy a large bunch of candles , light them one by one , counting off the many groups of people on whose behalf I offer each candle – starting with myself, my family, my  relatives , my friends, all my bosses , my collegues in Bgl office , my collegues in GGN office , my other old collegues and friends abroad and elsewhere ! In fact – My Sarva Kutumba – my entire global family !!

Then I walk up to the main altar, look up at the Infant Jesus’ radiant face , walk around the small statue placed in front , put my offerings into the bin and walk back to the benches .

Many time I have tried to ask for favours – like … please help me meet my Quota , help me make a great plan / presentation , help me get over my incessant cold soon etc ..  But I never manage to get enough seriousness and focus into such pleas and then they  all invariably end up at the common denominator – pl give me good health , good sensibility . I am happy , so please  maintain my current level of happiness and nothing more , O God !! Not very ambitious  – but I have no reasons to complain .

Yesterday, after my usual routine I sat back on a bench near the Pew and observed the devotees ..

Very interesting …

A young couple came in – obviously Christian Catholic from their attire . Lit  2 candles murmured a short prayer, briskly walked up to the altar, quickly kissed the feet to infant Jesus statue , put an offering and walked out !

And old woman , pain reflecting on her face knelt in front of the statue , arms spead out  wide, eyes  closed , prayed for some time .  She got up,  hugged the statue, took off one the garlands and slowly trudged out !

Many more came in -  some   kneeled , prayed silently , others  touched the feet / kissed the feet , hugged Infant Jesus statue,  mentally asked for favours and left .

I could well imagine  their feelings and the  pain  and I felt extremely sober !

And then ..

A young lady walked in . In a bright mauve colored saree with a matching top . No Christian definitely - observing the red bindi on her forehead  and the faint streak of vibhuti ( sacred ash ) above it .

She quickly took of her sandals , pushed it to a corner , knelt in front of the statue , did a perfect hindu style pranaan ( 3 times ) , then walked up to Infant Jesus, touched his feet with her right hand and then passed it over her head , stood near the statue and prayed .  Wonder how she prayed ?? – may be the English prayer we  learnt at our Christian missionary school and /or the common sanskrit shlokas we all learn at our homes !!

Then she picked up a short strand of flower ,  walked past me , slipped on her sandals and left !!

And I watched her ,  very amused !

And as I was reflecting  on  this incident with the smile still on my face , a sudden wave of feeling unsettled me ! Why am I feeling lost suddenly .

Is Infant Jesus any different from   all the  other gods I worship ? 

Is this church any different than any of the other temple I visit as often ?

Then why do  I behave so different here ?

Why do I so confidently walk up to the main altar here with my shoes on, when I can never  imagine doing such a bizarre act  in any temple ??

I sat for long  .

I did not get an answer ..

Nor I am sure what I will do next time I come here ..


1 comment:

  1. When I was in Gwalior, attending school at St. Paul's we had a beautiful church in the same compound. The thing I remember the most is the Holy water that used to be kept on the right, as soon as you entered. And all the students - regardless of their religion did the same thing with it - what we do to Ganga Jal in our temples!
